Paediatric Osteopathy

This is the specialism of using gentle Osteopathic techniques specifically for treating babies, children and teens. Paediatric Osteopaths look beyond conditions and take a holistic approach to a patient, using manual techniques to restore, maintain and support health and wellbeing. Choosing the relevant approaches that are gentle enough for babies and children, providing treatment that’s as individual as the patient. In young patients, the methods used are nearly always very gentle, but nonetheless powerful, requiring specialist skill and knowledge.


Osteopaths are qualified to treat people of all ages, and Cranial Osteopathy is most commonly used for babies and young children as it is safe, gentle, and non-manipulative.

This very gentle osteopathic technique can help to release and balance areas of physical tension, helping to soothe and relax as well as promoting freer movement where certain areas have been tight.

As a result, osteopathy can help your baby to respond more effectively and support them to adapt, whatever challenges they may be facing with their health. For example, a large randomised controlled trial of osteopathic treatment on preterm babies found that it significantly reduced their length of stay in hospital.

Why choose a cranial Osteopath for your baby?

Every paediatric Osteopath in the UK is a registered Osteopath. However, babies are not just small adults. Specific knowledge and skills are needed to assess and treat them safely and effectively. Choosing an experienced cranial Osteopath with specialist paediatric training will give you the confidence your baby is in safe hands. I have a diploma in Paediatric Osteopathy and have worked at the Osteopathic Centre for children in London, where I currently tutor. I will gently support your baby to relax so they can find their way back to their natural state of balance.

How does cranial Osteopathy for babies work?

Babies can’t tell us what they’re going through but an experienced cranial Osteopath learns to listen with their hands. Often, the babies I see are healthy, gaining weight, have no medical issues or ‘diagnosis’ from the GP, but the parents are aware that they are unsettled, not comfortable, and not content. Many babies can benefit from some support to resolve the minor stresses and strains that occur from the pregnancy, birth or life events.

Young children

Help your child to Thrive

Children’s bodies are constantly developing physically and mentally and Osteopathy can help their bodies adapt to these changes. In addition to these changes, there may be accidents, injuries and illnesses that happen along the way. This can be challenging at times, so many children can benefit from some help to resolve the minor stresses and strains that can occur as a result.

Osteopathy is a gentle treatment suitable for children at all stages of development. Depending on the issue, I may suggest exercises to practice at home in addition to returning for follow-up treatments. Osteopaths are trained to screen for medical conditions and I will refer you to your midwife, health visitor or GP if it is appropriate.


Help your teen to stay well and balanced

The practice is also for teens, and I may see teens with sports injuries, pain caused by poor posture, seeking help with the physical and mental challenges of being a teen, and the inability to relax caused by the stress of exams or the pressures of social media. Some teens have been coming to the clinic since they were younger children, while others may be completely new to osteopathy. I give teens the time they need to discuss their issues and listen with sensitivity and calm, before explaining any findings and moving onto treatment.